Take some time to learn more about our missionaries. Click or tap on a photo to see detailed information on each missionary.
The Great Commission. Help Us Fulfill it.
Take some time to learn more about our missionaries. Click or tap on a photo to see detailed information on each missionary.
Moises and Rosa Campos are GFF’s longest-serving missionaries in Spain. We are thankful for their first church plant in the city of Olot in Catalonia. After training church leaders to continue the work there, the Lord tugged their hearts to move on; so Moises and Rosa turned their eyes to the town of Castellar where since 2017, they have been able to plant a new church by God’s grace and for His glory. Despite many governmental and local challenges, and as they praise God and find favor with the people, the Lord has been adding many to the church in Castellar such as should be saved. (Acts 2:47)
John and Kim Caputo have been involved in campus ministry for a number of years, although they have recently come to GFF. Previously, they worked at West Chester State University, West Chester, PA; that work has now been turned over to a local church. Now they are establishing a work at Millersville State University, south of Lancaster, PA, and are very encouraged by initial results. Campus ministry is not so glamorous, but it much needed; perhaps nowhere else in America is there such an assault on ‘anything Christian’ as the college campus!
Kevin is the son of fundamental missionaries, and spent all of his childhood in Spain. Although he is American, he is perfectly bi-lingual and bi-cultural. He is more at home in Spain than America! At eighteen, he came back to the States for Bible College, but then returned to Spain and married Olga, a lovely Spanish lady. The Lord has given them twin boys, Reuben and Stephen.
Since finishing the prefield ministry at the end of 2006, the Kenney family has been working in their hometown of Moia, Spain. As of January 2008, the beginnings of a New Testament local church is meeting in the building of a retired folks cultural center.
David and Debbie Nunemaker have spent a lifetime working with French-speaking peoples. David was born in French Africa to missionary parents. After Bible school and marriage, Dave and Debbie moved to West Africa to minister. There, they began a Bible school ministry which continues to this day.
Due to health restraints, they moved to France in 1982 in a church-planting effort and ministered there through 2021. In the 1990s, they began to evangelize immigrant peoples from Asia. This work has developed into a full-time Biblical training program now in numerous Asian countries.
The multiplied millions of Asia need the Gospel, and the Nunemakers solicit your prayers for them.
We appreciate the ministry of Joel and Marcela Daut, missionaries with the Gospel Furthering Fellowship working in northern France. Please pray for them along with their four children, Liane, Josue, Josias, and Annael.
The Torres family has had a later start into full-time ministry than some. Peter (Pedro) was saved while working at the American Air Force base in Torrejon, outside Madrid, Spain. After taking some Bible courses in varied venues, and being involved in evangelism, Peter eventually became involved in Pastoral work. His great burden, however, is evangelism and church-planting; he desires to see all of Spain reached with the Gospel of Christ!
Realizing his need for more formal education, Peter and Charo came to the United States in 2002. While here they became acquainted with the ministry of Gospel Furthering Fellowship, and our missionary vision. After completing their pre-field ministry, the Torres family moved back to Madrid, Spain in December 2010. They are presently working under their local church to fulfill the goal of evangelizing 10 surrounding towns (about 50,000 people) where there is not a fundamental Baptist church. They covet your prayers for boldness and open doors.
After ‘losing’ her husband Bill in 2012, Lois has continued to be active. She has, however, moved to Virginia to be closer to her family. Retirement? Not a word that Lois would wish to say! She continues to work at a variety of ministries, as she is able, both within and without her local church. She also helps with her family, grandchildren, and others as she is able. We miss seeing Lois, but are thankful when we do see her.
Recent News About Bill and Lois Hanmer
Bill Hanmer Promoted to Glory
(3/21/2013)- On September 7, 2012, William “Bill” Hanmer went to be with the Lord at the age of 84. Living a full life of faithful service to Christ, he is remembered especially at GFF for his work with our financial office.
Julie Miller and her late husband, Doug, served for thirty years in Irian Jaya, Indonesia, as church-planters. Julie, an R.N., also was highly involved in medical work and training village medical workers. In 1990, the Millers returned to the USA, where the late Doug Miller became an Associate Director of GFF. Following her husband’s death, Julie was active in ministry, traveling to the field with and in support of new missionaries in their first term.
On April 30, 2008, Julie Miller officially retired from GFF. She does not intend, however, to sit in a rocking chair with her twelve grandchildren! The Lord willing, and health permitting, Julie intends to be involved in ministry to ladies, especially single women. She will be moving from the immediate Office area, as the Lord enables. Although we won’t see as much of her as before, she will still be available through e-mail, and through the Office. Julie solicits your prayers as she moves through this transition into a new phase of life and ministry.
Sandy Ball served with her husband, Ted, in US church planting since 1971. In 2018 Ted graduated to Heaven. Sandy continues to serve with GFF as an encourager and prayer warrior. One major thing she does is send cards and ecards to our home and international missionaries. In her local church she ministers to widows by visiting shut-in widows and providing meals. Sandy also looks for opportunities to live out the Gospel by volunteering in her community and interacting frequently with her neighbors.
The Balls have 3 grown children and 8 grandchildren.
Home Address:4926 Governor Holt St. Efland, NC 27243
Bruce’s active status continued for some years after stepping down from his position as director, but he and Ruth have now reverted to retirement status as GFF’s constitution requires for all missionaries under its care who reach the age of 70. Regardless of what status they hold, their heart and desire is still fully engaged in ministry especially as they serve together in their new home in Palm Coarst, FL.
Office:Gospel Furthering Fellowship 221 Hamilton Ave. Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone:(717) 866-1964
Fax:(717) 866-8527
Rodney Myers has joined our team in the home office as our new General Director since January, 2018. Previously, he and his family had served with GFF as church-planting missionaries in Tanzania East Africa for thirteen years before returning to the States in May 2017. Him and his wife, Lynn, have been married since May 1998 and have four children. Shawn, their oldest, is presently in Bible college pursuing a degree in missions so as to follow God’s calling on his life to be a church planter in the D.R. Congo.
Please take time to visit the Myers’ ministry Facebook profile at https://www.facebook.com/groups/137134746454276/ and join their community so as to keep informed of their latest expoits.
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Gospel Furthering Fellowship
221 Hamilton Ave.
Myerstown, PA 17067
Phone: (717) 866-1964
Fax: (717) 866-8527
Email: gff@comcast.net