December 25, 1776 During the American Revolution, George Washington took 2,400 of his men across the Delaware River to conduct a surprise assault on 1,500 British-Hessians (German mercenaries) at Trenton, New Jersey. The Hessians surrendered after … [Read more...]
eNewsletter – November 2021
Closed Doors During a recent trip to North Carolina, I was searching for a church to attend on a Sunday evening. Being unfamiliar with the area, I opened my GPS and searched for “Independent Baptist Churches near me.” My smart phone exploded … [Read more...]
eNewsletter – October 2021
As Fools Rushing In October 2021 Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over a lantern in her barn on DeKoven Street in Chicago on October 8, 1871. Not only did her family lose her barn to the flames, but more than 300 people were killed and 90,000 were … [Read more...]
eNewsletter – September 2021
What is Heard? September 2021 Paul and Silas had been treated unlawfully and unethically as they were beaten and thrown into prison in Philippi. Their feet were fastened in stocks, yet their faith was free to exercise in prayer and song. … [Read more...]